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Children Have No Borders

graphic design 

february - march 2017

with dear Melisa ÇakıroÄŸlu 

What is a border? ‘Border is any kind of restriction that separates objects, humans, ideas or preferences from each other. Most harmful type is a border against people’s mindsets. Borders are mostly considered as psychical walls or geographical limitations but indeed they are psychological. They start in our minds and thoughts, then became physical with our acts, decisions and perception.’ Are we born with borders in our minds? We realized that CHILDREN HAVE NO BORDERS. Children don’t have the concept of inequality and discrimination. They see everything without any prejudice or labels, no skin color, race or religion. This state of mind is quite vulnerable and valuable. The key point for adults to re-think about our grownup minds and attitude? Try to see the world from a child’s perspective. How to solve; how to remain this mindset and resist what the society imposes.‘What if the children stay borderless? To create a borderless world?’


In our project we explored some key points on the way to imagine a borderless world and we showed them with a chosen actor, a teddy bear, a simple object from a child’s daily life. We’ve tried to create a unity on the whole project by using simple icons applied on our teddy bear to show the action on the shortcuts to make it more recognizable. We’ve designed a manual both for children and parents to show them how to destroy the walls inside our head and raise our children without them. Manual works basically with do’s and don’ts, YES and NO. With the project our target group was both the children and the parents, a product that they can take a glance at together.



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